Wednesday, October 13, 2010

a busy day at work

when you have a busy day sit down on the couch 'always have a cup of tea'
always put a blancket on or else you will freeeeeeeeeze' but befor you put you'r blancket on rest you'r neck with a cushen then you put the blancket on then you put
the telivision on and drink you'r cup of tea

poem from halo domican


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  4. and then you dip your choccie biccie into your tea and watch a good tv show :) it's also good to do even if you havn't had a busy day!

  5. What good advise you give, if everyone was as thoughtful as you, the world would be a much happier place, I always love a cup of tea when I come in from work ,and like to snuggle up under my blanket to keep warm. hope you will remain forever good-natured,you are a little
